Project Codenames Should Be Fun

Recently, at work, we started using project code names. The theme for the code names is mountains.

Gee, I wonder where they got that idea from.

What’s the whole point of a codename? I think it’s to refer to a product release without getting all confused about version numbers. There is nothing saying they have to be plain and boring. You can say, “Were the bugs y and z fixed for the latest beta release of Lava Lamp?” Now, what’s wrong with that? Lava lamps are fun and mysterious. It would make the app you’re working on more fun to work on, especially if it’s “themware”.

My favourite themes are probably ‘80s cartoons characters. What about Project She-Ra? Or Project Megatron? Now that’s a server I don’t want to mess with; its security must be hard to get through.

Actually, anything from the ‘80s works. How about ‘80s rock divas? Project Benatar has a nice ring to it. ‘80s movies? Project Porky’s for version 1, Porky’s Revenge for version 2.

Got any ideas for good project codename themes?

Now playing: Odds – Satisfied

Update: Fixed some grammatical errors that were bugging my mom. 🙂 Thanks, mom.